/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Dramen - David Vs Goliath / 352 Raubmöwe vs. Schaf

flock off

#77937    Kein Model Release;
flock off
'FLOCK OFF!' - The moment angry Skuas attacked a gormless sheep, foolish enough to intrude on their territory. Woe betide anyone that makes the mistake of wandering too close to a Great Skua's nesting area - as this sheep soon found out. The careless ewe was grazing moorland in the Shetland Islands, UK when he wandered too far and came face to face with the angry bird. Determined to stop the sheep entering her territory the 'bird bouncer' - who was protecting her young - swooped down and began ferociously attacking the intruder. The bully bird dive-bombed and savagely pecked at the sheep until she eventually ran off. Wildlife photographer Andrew Parkinson captured the amazing David and Goliath-like battle on his camera He said Great Skua's were known for their aggressive and intimidating behaviour when young were around. The 38-year-old said: "They're ferocious birds, they bully other seabirds, attack and devour smaller birds, dive-bomb and peck humans, sheep or anything else that gets in their way, sometimes even drawing blood. "The poor sheep really suffered the consequences of crossing paths with a Great Skuar. "The Skuar kept flying into the sheep's face and pecking him to try to get them to push off. "It was funny because the sheep were trying to protect their lambs and the Skuars' were trying to protect their chicks, so neither of them were backing down. "The sheep was trying to headbutt the Skuar but each time it did the Skuar it just flew higher. "In the end the sheep had to admit defeat and was forced to go back the way he came."

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Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
flock off
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Andrew Parkinson
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf
Kopfnuss fürs Schaf