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Weisser Elefant ID1407

#160200    Kein Model Release;
Weisser Elefant ID1407
(PICTURED: A white elephant using mud to cool off in the sun.) - It really is a white elephant! These are the hilarious shots of a herd of elephants on the out on the plains, but getting rid of the colour might be harder than they think. The herd, which was photographed by Anatoly Berman, 63, from Hadera, Israel, was seen using mud to cool off in the sun. While the heat in the Etosha national park, Namibia, may have been too hot to stand, the elephants were clearly unaware that they had fulfilled the old idiom. That said, some of the springbok in the presence of the massive elephants might have found their presence a bit of a nuisance as they were seen scattering around them. PIC BY ANATOLY BERMAN/CATERS NEWS/ANIMAL PRESS *** Local Caption ***
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