/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Sammlungen / ft163 Urviecher-Gondwana

DOBBY FOX Loeffelhund

#159890    Kein Model Release;
DOBBY FOX Loeffelhund
(Pictured: The bat eared fox resembles Dobby the house elf from the Harry Potter franchise.) - Dobby is a free elf! - and roaming the South African wilderness. A bat eared fox that looks just like the much loved Harry Potter character was pictured in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa. The nervous young creature was poking his head out of its den when it was spotted by photographer and park guide Mems Carim. With his pointed nose and floppy ears he closely resembles Harry Potters faithful friend. Pic by Mems Carim/Caters News/Animal Press *** Local Caption ***
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DOBBY FOX Loeffelhund
Schnabeligel 489255020
Schnabeligel 384616302
Schnabeligel Tachyglos
Faultierstation ID1535
Ameisenbär 390503382 X
Agatha 2 ID153427