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Katzenparadies Hawai

#155664    Rights Managed; Kein Model Release;
Katzenparadies Hawai
Pictured: Keoni Vaughn, the Executive Director of the Lanai Cat Sanctuary sits whilst being innundated by cats below a Love sign at the haven of kittys. Pic taken on 21/09/2017.) - This Hawaiian Cat sanctuary has created an incredible island paradise for the states stray cats. While most people would take a trip to one of the Hawaiian Islands many heavenly sights, Andrew Marttila, 32 and his partner Hannah Shaw, 30, wanted to visit something more unusual. They decided to take a trip to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, where there are currently over 500 cats living.s0502 *** Local Caption *** **MANDATORY BYLINE** Pic by Andrew Marttila/Caters News - (Pictured: Keoni Vaughn, the Executive Director of the Lanai Cat Sanctuary sits whilst being innundated by cats below a Love sign at the haven of kittys. Pic taken on 21/09/2017.)
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