/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Familienbande - Mama Taxi / 01084 Küken im Gefieder

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#130708    Kein Model Release;
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
A devoting father has shielded his chicks from danger and hides them under his feathers to just reveal four pairs of legs coming from underneath his body. As the tiny baby birds make their way across the lily pads and the water, they obey their dad going immediately to him. The loving photos were taken by Jose Fragozo, from Johannesburg, South Africa in Kruger National Park in his native country. Jose said: In the first image, the African Jacana and his three chicks play on water lily leaves, but you can see the father sense danger and protectively hides the under his wings and goes away from the scene.
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Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater
Küken versteckt sich beim Vater