/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Zauber der Ozeane - Wale / 02698 Walhoch


#123435    Kein Model Release;
BM_RL_Humpback_whale_breach by Rebecca Lewis  A FRIENDLY humpback whale appears to say ‘hello’ as it reaches its pectoral fin into the air. The stunning spectacle was captured off the shores of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in early January.  The young whale, which weighs 20 tons, breached more than a dozen times to the delight of 26-year-old scuba instructor Frankie Grant. “I see this everyday but am always amazed as to the power of these animals, especially because they do not eat the entire time they are here in Los Cabos,” said Frankie.   “From a young age I have always been captivated by the majesty, power and unpredictable nature of wild animals. “This is why I am dedicating my entire life to the study of the ocean and sharing this knowledge with all who would like to hear.” Every year the whales migrate to Cabo to mate and give birth after travelling thousands of miles from the polar waters. And as these images show, whales and calves alike enjoy nothing more than showing off for the camera. ENDS

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