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#122831    Kein Model Release;
BM_RL_Magical_moment_baby_humpback_whale by Rebecca Lewis  AN INQUISTIVE newborn whale swims towards a photographer in the warm waters around Tonga in the Pacific Ocean. The young marine mammal, which could be as young as four days old, was spotted playing and swimming to the surface of the ocean carefully guarded by its mother. Fabrice Guerin, a 48-year-old wildlife photographer and art director from Paris, described the sighting as ‘magical’. Every year between June and October humpback whales mate and give birth in the Tonga archipelago. The experienced photographer was careful to keep away from the baby and its protective 15-metre mother. But the inquisitive calf ventured towards the diver and played around him, before obediently returning to its parent. Fabrice said: “The sea was clear. The humpback whale and calf were quiet about 10-meters under me. “The baby regularly came to the surface to breathe and it approached very close, played around me then joined its mother. “The family returned to the surface and continued on their way. “As they left, the baby rubbed its mother like a hug. “The encounter with whales is a great moment. I was very impressed by their size but especially by their intelligence, grace and beauty. “It was a magical moment.” ENDS

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