/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Waisenhäuser und Tierasyle / 02572 Heim für Hundesenioren

BM DOGS 01965407

#120085    Kein Model Release;
BM DOGS 01965407
SHREWSBURY, UNITED KINGDOM: Dennis and Wyn Broom with Sir Jasper. ABANDONED dogs get tender loving care at a retire-mutt home – for pooches. Mature canines in need of a home are taken to Oaklies Oldies, the Dog’s Trust rehoming centre in Shrewsbury. A dozen dogs are housed in cozy rooms specially furnished for the pets as they wait to be adopted. The dogs have been turned out of homes as their owners get older or as the pets become too troublesome to look after. But no pet is too old for a new family as one 17-year-old pooch was recently adopted into a new home. s2572
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Seniorenheim für Hunde
BM DOGS 01965407