/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Incredible Creatures / 02009 Der Fisch Gavin


#105860    Kein Model Release;
Meet Gavin the photobombing fish whose loves nothing better than getting his toothy grin on camera. The parrot fish has become the main attraction for divers near Green Island, off Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The bright yellow and blue fish flashes his pearly whites for the camera as tourists pose with him in his underwater world. And as these hilarious pictures show Gavin loves nothing better than smiling for the pictures with a host of lovely ladies. Karl Kuhle, general manager for Seawalker Australia, said grinning Gavin had become something of a celebrity. He said: "Gavin's been around for a couple of years now, and he looks forward to coming over and grinning his lovely little head off at all our guests. "He does seem to actually swim up for his photo, and with a free feed on offer and gorgeous females for company, who wouldn't be smiling? "Seriously though, in some photo's he seems to have less of a grin than others, but I reckon he's still having a ball." Karl said the diving tour operate within the guidelines of the of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to ensure conservation. He said: "We feed less than 1kg of approved fish food per day to the hundreds of fish that like Gavin, enjoy meeting Seawalker guests. "Our staff do the feeding, not the guests, but they get to enjoy watching him come up and grin into their faces as he swipes a little feed. "I would realistically expect that from a conservation viewpoint there is little difference , regulations help ensure this, by our presence in the water. "We operate for less than six hours  a day, so Gav and his mates are off elsewhere or just hanging around for the other 18 or so hours." Bluebarred parrotfish grow up to 1m and 6.5 kg and the teeth in both jaws are fused into a parrot-like peak. Adults normally swim solitary and feed by scraping algae from the reef and coral. Gavin and his species are vital to the reef building process because they crush rubble and dead coral into sand as they feed. For more information and your chance to meet Gavin visit:  HYPERLINK ""

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Erinnerungsfoto mit Fisch
Freundlicher Fisch
Freundlicher Fisch
Strand am Great Barrier Reef