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Frauenpower vs Pascha

#102092    Kein Model Release;
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Undated - Now thats what you call a cat fight! - These protective lionesses refuse to take it LION down when a male approaches their cubs, and all hell breaks loose among the pride. The cat fight is a bitter battle between the male and female beasts, who savagely erupt into a ferocious battle in the Mara Triangle, within the heart of the Masai Mara in Kenya, Africa *** Local Caption *** PIC FROM GUZELIAN / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED The lioness fight back and attack the lion) Now thats what you call a cat fight! - These protective lionesses refuse to take it LION down when a male approaches their cubs, and all hell breaks loose among the pr
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Pascha beugt sich Frauenpower
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha
Frauenpower vs Pascha